Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The greatest tragedy in science is the slaying of a beautiful theory by an ugly fact.

Brief description of Advanced BioStructural Correction™

In this letter – making consistent and predictable corrections of Dowager’s hump and hard kyphosis patients and why no one else can do it.

Did you realize that a hard kyphosis, where a person cannot lay supine and touch their head to the table at all or without extension of their neck is mechanically the same as a Dowager’s hump but just lower down in the body? And, did you know that using Advanced BioStructural Correction it is a simple correction as long as the person does not have a large compression fracture? Send a copy of this newletter/blog to your friends and patients.

If you have not been to this one yet click this link http://fixthebody.com/

You may find this post longer than some other bloggers but I am not just trying to sell something, I am trying to give you information you can use in your practice now.

The first question I get most often from practitioners and patients is, What exactly is Advanced BioStructural Correction™ – so, I guess that is a good place to start with this letter.

Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is exactly what is says it is, an advance in the correction of structures of living bodies. (bio = living or life).

Nice description but does not tell you much just by itself so here is the expanded version. Looking at the history of structural healthcare you find many attempts at structural correction.

There have been many successes and there have been many failures. The problem with the successes is that they have not been consistently and predictably effective.

Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is consistent and predictable in its results/effects correcting body structures. Go to this page and find out what other doctors are saying.

All past approaches to correcting body structures have as their basis taking a body from where it is and forcing the bones into place to “correct” the structure. They involve x-ray analysis and “correction” of what is seen on the films. Well, with Advanced BioStructural Correction™ there is no longer a need to take x-rays at all. For an excellent reason I will cover that later in this newletter.

The idea that you can take the body from its position now and force things into place has been the underlying theory of structural correction since before the time of the Greek healers. And, since that time it has sometimes worked and sometimes not worked on both the success end and the failure end.

That means that the successes could often not be repeated or were sporadic, worked on some not on others with seemingly the same set of symptoms. Even more to the point, the methods that failed on one person with a certain set of symptoms was successful on another person who seemingly had the exact same set of symptoms. This has left us with a hodgepodge system where anything goes because no one had yet found the basis for the successes or failures. Advanced BioStructural Correction™ has found the basic reasons for the successes and the failures.

ABC™ brings order, consistency and predictability to structural healing. (Keep in mind that no other method of healing is claiming consistent and predictable results for their method – even medicines are said to be effective if they work only 30% of the time – so this is something new in the field of healing.)

Before we get into the exact why we need to cover some basic concepts:

Ever hear this saying?

The greatest tragedy in science is the slaying of a beautiful theory by an ugly fact.

With regards to healthcare you should write that down and hang it on your wall. Why? Because understanding it forever handles being fooled by people claiming to be able to correct body problems and many other things.

Look at what a theory is: From Dictionary.com a theory is “a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.” Or, ‘a logically connected group of general plans suggested for acceptance and used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena.’

Theories are proposed explanations for phenomena (phenomena in this definition is something that is physically observable). However, what happens when there are phenomena that could not happen within the framework of the theory? Or, what happens when the explanation does not result in a treatment that consistently and predictably creates the effect you want?

The short answer is, that explanation must be wrong, or that theory is wrong.

Then you get the doctors and others who say, I do not think it is wrong because it worked on… Well, for those doctors and other people we have, The greatest tragedy in science is the slaying of a beautiful theory by an ugly fact.

No matter how beautiful the theory, no matter how wonderful someone thinks it is, if there is one fact, one physically observable phenomenon that cannot be if the theory is correct, then the theory is wrong. No ifs, no ands, no buts (however, sometimes butts when people insist despite the facts).

That is one basic point to understand.

The next basic point is that there is a difference between a research datum and a clinical datum.

Research Data

If you are doing research into how the body works in order to find a way to heal bodies, what exactly are you trying to find? Take a minute to think about that and come up with an answer before you read on. In ABC™ there is do authority who dictates to you what and how you should think. In ABC™ YOU will find out for yourself so you should take a moment and think these things through when I ask you to do so.

Did you come up with: Researchers are trying to find the basic way the body works so they can change it as they please? Well, think it through and I believe you will find that true.

Clinical Data

In your clinic or office, what are you working to accomplish with patients? Take a minute and get an answer.

Did you come up with, relieve their pain or increase range of motion or something like that? Well, those things are true but they are not the basic thing. I think you will find that you are working to correct their body structures …… which will lead to all those other things.

For those who think they are correcting body structures and do not find it leads to pain relief, increased range of motion and all that, well, read on.

So, there is a very large difference between Research Data and Clinical Data. In research if you have a theory leading to a method that “works” on 1000 people but does not work on 1 other, you have to throw that theory out the window as a BASIC datum on how the body works.

In your clinic, if you have that same datum or same theory that “works” on 999% you keep it and look for something else to use to help that other person.

The difference between a research datum and a clinical datum is important because you only get fooled when you mix the two.

What is your favorite theory of how the body stays upright? Do not just continue reading. STOP! And, identify to yourself what your favorite theory of how the body stays upright is. Remember, there is no one here but you so there is no chance of being embarrassed, no chance of being wrong, just a safe place to examine what some of your basic beliefs on bodies have been and how they compare to some facts anyone can observe. You might want to write it down so you can compare exactly what you think now with what you think at the end of this newsletter.

Got it? Good.

Now identify for yourself your favorite theory for how the body changes or can be changed. Again, no one here but you so you can identify it for yourself and even write it down for yourself with no risk.

Got that one? Good.

Now, let us take a look at some theories and facts that go along with these theories and ideas.

There is a theory of structural correction presently in use and the people promoting the theory have written tons of papers and had them published. On the basis of those peer reviewed research papers they claim to be experts and an authority on correction of bodies. Their theory is that you must remold ligaments to get structural changes.

I do not know how that compares with your favorite theory or idea but it is one that is out there.

Take a look at these x-rays. The contrast has been pumped up so you can easily see them but they are otherwise unchanged from what has been sent to me.

The first is from 1986 when the woman first went to a chiropractor. The next was in December, 1999 after 13 years of different techniques with different practitioners. Dr. Kukurin took those films as she was a new patient to him with some significant complaints. Dr. K had just gotten the ABC™ Home Seminar Program a month or so before. He started the woman on the ABC™ protocol but she was only able to come in once a week during the holiday season. When she came in of the third treatment she was so different in her outward appearance that George decided to take another film before he treated her. That is the January, 2000 film on the right. No traction, no exercise, only twice through the ABC™ Protocol and standing relaxed in all films. The spondylosis you see in the 99 and 00 films is as it was. Nothing in the films has been retouched. And, this is just one of many sets of changes sent in by practitioners around the world.

For the x-rays and the pictures below just click on them to see a full screen high resolution picture.

These are less than a month apart by a practitioner just using the ABC™ Protocol too. Not only that, this doc used to follow the traction etc. theory that is so popular and gets more and better changes consistently and predictably. His statement:

Less than a month for each change no traction or exercise! 33% loss to 8% loss and improving, reversed to lordotic. You will make big changes in patients’ curves
in less time than anyone else even believes possible with no traction or exercises! This is what Chiropractic is all about. Dr. JD (formerly CBP™)

We have hundreds of them sent in by many practitioners who were amazed at the fast changes with no traction on exercises. You might note that these are more than one of those facts that slay the theory of ligament tractioning. Not that ligament tractioning does not ever work. Even the proponents tell you it works 50% of the time at best..

The ABC™ Protocol works consistently and predictably. Period.

(What is the protocol and how does it work – get the ABC™ Home Seminar Program and learn it tomorrow, order off this link and next day air shipping is included at no additional charge)

you think I am picking on one particular theory, I am not. What is your favorite theory on how your body keeps its posture or stays upright? Muscles? Ligaments? Nerves?

Take a look at these pictures:

All of these people are standing relaxed before and after their first time being put through the ABC™ Protocol. And, they are not all my patients.
Any practitioner can accomplish the same thing with their clients on a consistent and predicatble basis daily, hell hourly or less if you can fit the new ones in more closely.

The instructions for the pictures are “Breathe in, breath out and let your body relax and slump.” Actually, for the second pictures, after the Protocol, I keep saying “Let it slump, let it slump” until the person says “I am!” Then I tell them to remember that they really are letting their bodies slump when they see the after pictures.

No exercise no work by the patients, just correcting structure using the ABC™ Protocol.

(What is the protocol and how does it work – get the ABC™ Home Seminar Program and learn it tomorrow, order off this link and next day air shipping is included at no additional charge)

My mission is to change the face of healthcare in the world for the better.

My goal right here is to get every Chiropractor able to correct every patient’s body that walks in their door that is not being affected by cancer, infections, fractures and the like.

Thousands of ABC™ practitioners are doing all over the world and so can you. Order now at this link. http://www.advbiostructuralcorr.com/order.htm

What about the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ approach is so different? That is in the next blog, check it out after you order.

Sincerely, (and that is not just a saluation, I am sincere about this -- you can make all these changes and consistently correct your patients. Over 1850 practitioners are doing it now so this is consistent and easy to duplicate.) Order now http://www.advbiostructuralcorr.com/order.htm

Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz

Sunday, August 26, 2007

What's So Special About ABC?

Are you ready for a whole new perspective? Are you willing to take everything you know and turn it on its head? If so, get ready because the results you are going to start generating are going to be OUTSTANDING!

I am Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz and I would like to welcome you to ADVANCED BIOSTRUCTURAL CORRECTION™. ABC™ is a bit different from other treatment modes you are familiar with in structural healing. I can say that without knowing from what perspective of structural healing you come to ABC™ from because ABC™ is a whole new viewpoint.

Before explaining the viewpoint of ABC™ I would like to cover a basic point that seems to have been missed in healthcare. Not just structural healthcare but all of healthcare. That basic point is obvious to me as I have a practical engineering background since I was a kid.

What that means is that I was designing and building things. If you are old enough you might remember Ham Radios? If not, look them up. It was a whole culture back then and several of my cousins were into that and building and designing electronics. (Dad is the youngest of nine so they were/are all more than a bit older than I so I got the advanced courses young.)

Of course, in those days cars where mechanical rather than half electronics so we worked on those and designed some too. I laugh when someone showed me a motorized scooter and said it was a new thing. I remember having to go to the store and order books on motorcycle designing to make the ones I was building not wobble when they got up to higher speeds.

The point is that I come from a background of things having to work to be considered valid or valuable. I still remember the first guy I sold one of those scooters too asking for his money back because it wobbled like heck at half throttle. I could have made them with less available throttle but I decided to get to the basic data and really make them work first. Then sell them for a bit more. Who knew I would have to study gyroscopic forces, not just of wheels but the engines and the reciprocating parts in them too!

That is the basic point here: Coming into structural healthcare (Chiropractic) I had, and still have, the viewpoint that if it does not work is was not valid and not valuable.

That viewpoint was modified a bit in Chiropractic College when I got told that "...it did not work because you did not do it right." And, "...it works but the human body takes time...", and a host of other sayings excusing the ineffectiveness of various treatments that I did not recognize as excuses. (Bet you never knew that; "excuses" are just reasons that people should excuse you for being ineffective.)

After getting into clinic and then in practice I went to every technique seminar I could find in Chiropractic or out because I unmodified my viewpoint that if it does not work it is not valid and not valuable and I saw Chiropractic work well enough when it worked to believe that someone had to have the answer. I was sorely and disappointedly wrong.

Back to structural healing/Chiropractic and the fact that ABC™ is a whole new viewpoint.
The first whole new viewpoint is: it must work! More than that, it must work consistently and predictably.

You would be astonished to know how many practitioners tell me that they get great results but have come to ADVANCED BIOSTRUCTURAL CORRECTION™ because they have trouble understanding why all their clients do not respond well. Then there are those who have a client who had a reversed or military cervical curve now has a good curve, a good lordosis, but has an arm that is more numb that it was at the beginning. This is not to mention the many clients who do not respond period or those whose curves go back to the old configuration as soon as they stop exercising, etc.

These practitioners at least recognize something is funky, even if they cannot state it directly.
What is funky?

The method used is not consistently and predictably effective. Not because Jesse Jutkowitz says so. That is something you as a practitioner or you as a patient or client of a structural healthcare practitioner have to notice for yourself.

ADVANCED BIOSTRUCTURAL CORRECTION™ is consistently and predictably effective. If you, or your client, do not have cancer, infection, fracture or the like as the cause of the body problem they are having, you can correct it. Period. No excuses.

Want to consistently and predictably correct what is ailing your patients? Get, learn and use ADVANCED BIOSTRUCTURAL CORRECTION™.

Want to hear what practitioners have to say? Got to Success Stories

My favorite was told at a seminar by Dr. Barr who practiced in a litigious state: Before ABC™ when someone came in with anything questionable we sent them to their medical doctor first. Now, the weirder the better; as long as we rule out cancer, infections, fractures and the like we fix them.

Consistent and predictable, no excuses - GET ABC™ TODAY!

Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz