Sunday, August 26, 2007

What's So Special About ABC?

Are you ready for a whole new perspective? Are you willing to take everything you know and turn it on its head? If so, get ready because the results you are going to start generating are going to be OUTSTANDING!

I am Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz and I would like to welcome you to ADVANCED BIOSTRUCTURAL CORRECTION™. ABC™ is a bit different from other treatment modes you are familiar with in structural healing. I can say that without knowing from what perspective of structural healing you come to ABC™ from because ABC™ is a whole new viewpoint.

Before explaining the viewpoint of ABC™ I would like to cover a basic point that seems to have been missed in healthcare. Not just structural healthcare but all of healthcare. That basic point is obvious to me as I have a practical engineering background since I was a kid.

What that means is that I was designing and building things. If you are old enough you might remember Ham Radios? If not, look them up. It was a whole culture back then and several of my cousins were into that and building and designing electronics. (Dad is the youngest of nine so they were/are all more than a bit older than I so I got the advanced courses young.)

Of course, in those days cars where mechanical rather than half electronics so we worked on those and designed some too. I laugh when someone showed me a motorized scooter and said it was a new thing. I remember having to go to the store and order books on motorcycle designing to make the ones I was building not wobble when they got up to higher speeds.

The point is that I come from a background of things having to work to be considered valid or valuable. I still remember the first guy I sold one of those scooters too asking for his money back because it wobbled like heck at half throttle. I could have made them with less available throttle but I decided to get to the basic data and really make them work first. Then sell them for a bit more. Who knew I would have to study gyroscopic forces, not just of wheels but the engines and the reciprocating parts in them too!

That is the basic point here: Coming into structural healthcare (Chiropractic) I had, and still have, the viewpoint that if it does not work is was not valid and not valuable.

That viewpoint was modified a bit in Chiropractic College when I got told that " did not work because you did not do it right." And, " works but the human body takes time...", and a host of other sayings excusing the ineffectiveness of various treatments that I did not recognize as excuses. (Bet you never knew that; "excuses" are just reasons that people should excuse you for being ineffective.)

After getting into clinic and then in practice I went to every technique seminar I could find in Chiropractic or out because I unmodified my viewpoint that if it does not work it is not valid and not valuable and I saw Chiropractic work well enough when it worked to believe that someone had to have the answer. I was sorely and disappointedly wrong.

Back to structural healing/Chiropractic and the fact that ABC™ is a whole new viewpoint.
The first whole new viewpoint is: it must work! More than that, it must work consistently and predictably.

You would be astonished to know how many practitioners tell me that they get great results but have come to ADVANCED BIOSTRUCTURAL CORRECTION™ because they have trouble understanding why all their clients do not respond well. Then there are those who have a client who had a reversed or military cervical curve now has a good curve, a good lordosis, but has an arm that is more numb that it was at the beginning. This is not to mention the many clients who do not respond period or those whose curves go back to the old configuration as soon as they stop exercising, etc.

These practitioners at least recognize something is funky, even if they cannot state it directly.
What is funky?

The method used is not consistently and predictably effective. Not because Jesse Jutkowitz says so. That is something you as a practitioner or you as a patient or client of a structural healthcare practitioner have to notice for yourself.

ADVANCED BIOSTRUCTURAL CORRECTION™ is consistently and predictably effective. If you, or your client, do not have cancer, infection, fracture or the like as the cause of the body problem they are having, you can correct it. Period. No excuses.

Want to consistently and predictably correct what is ailing your patients? Get, learn and use ADVANCED BIOSTRUCTURAL CORRECTION™.

Want to hear what practitioners have to say? Got to Success Stories

My favorite was told at a seminar by Dr. Barr who practiced in a litigious state: Before ABC™ when someone came in with anything questionable we sent them to their medical doctor first. Now, the weirder the better; as long as we rule out cancer, infections, fractures and the like we fix them.

Consistent and predictable, no excuses - GET ABC™ TODAY!

Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz

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