Saturday, December 29, 2007

Laughing at the stupidity of some people

I had a question from a doc who had read a criticism by Dr. Rob Ward of an article I wrote over 10 years ago.

The funny thing is that Dr. Rob Ward read the wrong reference and misinterpreted the one he did read.

I posted a correction way back in 1999. when Dr. Ward read it he just insisted he was right with no bother or check, that is either stupidity or negligence. And to think this guy is teaching chiros now. No wonder they come out of school so mixed up.

Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 13:04:30 EST  
Subject: Breig wrote  
It has been pointed out that there is a message from Rob Ward in your  archives that when I said Dr. Alf Breig noted that Multiple Sclerosis and ALS  were mechanical and not enqymatic (genetic) or alergenic (autoimmune) in  origin I was incorrect and Breig did not say this.  If you will note Rob says he very closely read Alf Breig's text. The  difficulty is that he read the wrong book. The book he read was the  preliminary research.  
Here are a few pages from the book Alf Breig wrote and published 11 years  later after an additional decade of research.  
Note that even in the medical community there were people who would not  accept the objective, reproducable clinical observations.  
This is one of  those cases like when Harvey came out with the idea that blood was pumped by  the heart rather than moved through the body like the tides of the sea.  Doctors said it could not be possible and that they would rather be wrong  with Galen (the tide theory guy) than right with Harvey.  Chiropractic properly applied can consistently and predictably achieve the  miraculous results now only occasionally noticed.  Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz  
From   SKULL TRACTION AND CERVICAL CORD INJURY : Breig, 1989, Springer  Verlaag, Sweeden ------- 8   
Therapeutic Breadth of Surgically Secured Spinal Cord Relaxation 
Clinical experience with CLD over several years has confirmed that surgically  secured slackening of the spinal cord can remove obstacles to the  transmission of impulses along medullary pathways and can relieve  neurological deficit, whether elicited by an offending lesion in the  immediate vicinity of the cervical cord or by a lesion within its tissue.  Besides slackening of overstretched nerve fibres, spinal cord relaxation also  contributes to restoration of cord conductivity by increasing the oxygenation  of medullary tissue, since it causes widening of the lumina of  overstretched/constricted small blood vessels [37]; improved conductivity can  be traced and followed by recording of evoked potentials. ........   ----------

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