"Life is Great!"
I have had a great week since getting the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Seminar. Folks are excited, very excited!! And, MY PRACTICE IS WAY UP. I have been really surprised. People come walking in, no calling, just there because so and so said I had to come see you.
This HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE. My patients are so happy with the results of Advanced BioStructural Correction™ they sent their families and friends just about immediately. I guess it is true that patients will notice and refer.
Patients are thrilled and my practice is way up which means I'm much more fun to live with - so says my wife. I'm again excited to tell people I'm a chiropractor because now I can consistently get the results promised.
I had not realized how miserable I was not being able to accomplish what I was telling people they should get as results. Life is great- Thanks ABC™.
Maybe a little melodramatic but honestly I feel such a weight removed when people can share in the experience that their body is changing, not just what I tell them.
Thank you Dr. Jesse!!!"
Dr. Mike Order Advanced BioStructural Correction™ here. You will be thrilled you did.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Short comment on the last blog from Dr. Greg
Hey Jesse,
Loved the Blog on Monday. People are still talking about you. Thanks again.
I have asked Dr. Greg for some details so you can hear directly from him.
Dr. J
By the way, the other part of last week that was so interesting was a patient, Ronnie. This guy had been a patient for a few years in the 1990's. He traveled on cruise ships (musician) so he came in 12 or so times for a month and was gone for 5 or so months and then back in. When I left for California in 1997 he was fine and not coming much at all except for one time or so after a cruise. He was in a small accident in 2003 and was hurting just a bit. Since I was not around he decided to try another chiropractor.
When he came to me last week he could no longer lay flat on his back and hurt all over. (His exact words on the phone were, "Thank God I found you.") It took three treatments before he was laying flat on his back with no extension.
I do not know what the other doc did besides P-toA on his thoracics and rotationals on his cervicals and lumbars but if you do not think you can hurt people doing those things -- think again and then learn Advanced BioStructural Correction™ and fix them instead of just moving things around and hoping they get better. Click here for a great testimonial.
I have asked Dr. Greg for some details so you can hear directly from him.
Dr. J
By the way, the other part of last week that was so interesting was a patient, Ronnie. This guy had been a patient for a few years in the 1990's. He traveled on cruise ships (musician) so he came in 12 or so times for a month and was gone for 5 or so months and then back in. When I left for California in 1997 he was fine and not coming much at all except for one time or so after a cruise. He was in a small accident in 2003 and was hurting just a bit. Since I was not around he decided to try another chiropractor.
When he came to me last week he could no longer lay flat on his back and hurt all over. (His exact words on the phone were, "Thank God I found you.") It took three treatments before he was laying flat on his back with no extension.
I do not know what the other doc did besides P-toA on his thoracics and rotationals on his cervicals and lumbars but if you do not think you can hurt people doing those things -- think again and then learn Advanced BioStructural Correction™ and fix them instead of just moving things around and hoping they get better. Click here for a great testimonial.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Wow it works the way he says it does!! Patients will pay the hell with insurance.
Last week was an interesting one for a few reasons.
The best ones came on Friday. I did an in-office consultation for a father-son doc team. The father, Greg, has been a practitioner (chiro) forever, 30+ years. The son (Brett) has been practicing about 6 years.
By they way, they don't even call it ABC™, according the office manager (Greg's wife Deb) they just call it "that fantastic Jutkowitz stuff" or just "Jutkowitz" as in, "do Jutkowitz on him". Dr. Greg had taken the Home Advanced BioStructural Correction™ seminar and then done the live a few years ago and tried to teach it to Brett when he entered the practice.
Greg was getting fantastic results but he knew he was not getting the results he should from some of the descriptions on the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ doctors' only site. Greg also knew that Brett had so much conflicting information from chiropractic school he could not understand that you actually can consistently get the results chiropractic school implies you should get all the time.
The simplicity and effectiveness of Advanced BioStructural Correction™ was just beyond Brett because of all the chiropractic junk he was taught.
The solution was to get Brett the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Seminar and have me to the office and debunk the junk. Greg went to the ABC™ site click here, he got Brett the seminar and signed up for an in-office.
I arrived late Thursday night and met them at the hotel to cover some preliminary stuff. Wouldn't you know it but as I was walking to the room I noticed the custodian was slumped over and having trouble breathing. I asked him if he knew he was having trouble breathing. Maurice answered that he did and that he had asthma.
Needing a demonstration subject, I asked him if he wanted to be able to breathe much better ? He asked if I was a doctor. I said yes, and that I was teaching the doctors out front in the lobby and could do a demonstration on him. He would breathe better that night right there and his shoulders would stop slumping forward with no work by him. He looked at me both, like a desperate man whose prayers might be answered, and just a bit skeptically and said yes.
I did not know it but as I put my things in the room he went out front and told the two front desk women they were about to view a medical miracle. I went out to the lobby and introduced Dr. Greg, Dr. Brett and Deb to my old friend from 2 minutes ago, Maurice.
I went through the same exact routine I describe in the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Patient Communication CDs, even having the front desk women check his posture and breathing before doing the First Rib Maneuver™ see this link.
I told them all I was going to do "Structural Correction" on Maurice and his posture would stay upright all by itself and his breathing would improve greatly and that his asthma was mostly structural.
I also ran my fingers on the front of Maurice's chest and had him note it was a bit caved in.
I did the FRM. Maurice popped up, his face got notably darker (he is an African American) from increased blood flow to the point Dr. Brett was astonished. I asked Maurice to take a deep breathe. He started breathing in and half-way through got this wide-eyed surprised look on his face. He finished and told me that was his first deep breath in 5 years.
I got a card from Dr. Greg and told Maurice to go, first visit on me. I had him try to slump and all the usual stuff and had him run his had across his chest and feel the difference. He noted it was less and asked if it would go away and his breathing come back to normal. I told him it would take a while but yes.
He asked for a card for his son who had such bad back pain he could no longer play ball and was having difficulty working. The women at the front desk were a bit astonished and got cards because I pointed out to them that they did not need the shoulder pads in their uniforms to look square and upright if they got treated.
They took more cards for friends. Dr. Greg did the smart thing and got all their names and addresses to call and follow-up and send them information if they did not come in right away. (Many docs leave out that last step when they give out cards.) With a case average over $1500, (about to go up) not getting their names and addresses to follow-up is just plain dumb.
Some docs think having me to their offices is expensive. Dr. Greg will tell you it gets paid for when you take me to the hotel or to lunch.
Anyway, the next day at the office was even better. I made sure the docs did everything according to the manuals and tapes. Long-term patients who were much better but having problems popped upright, symptoms disappeared that had been hanging around and 6 more referrals happened right there.
I explained to Dr. Greg that there are no excuses with Advanced BioStructural Correction™. It is not a miracle cure but you do get structural correction consistently and predictably with no excuses. Want to get CONSISTENT AND PREDICTABLE results that will boom your practice? Click here
My favorite was the woman who had lost half her foot and fingers off both hands who had trouble standing. I pointed out to Dr. Greg that people stabilize and do not have that trouble when Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is done correctly on the correct side. He switched sides and she stopped needing to hold onto the wall to stand up immediately after the first meningeal release. Cleared up a big misunderstanding Dr. Greg had there.
Dr. Brett, though now good at doing Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is now studiously going through the Home Seminar and eager to attend the next live. Dr. Greg is redoing the Home Seminar and likewise eager to attend the live. You will see them on the certified doctor list shortly as soon as they can send a video and answer the questions.
Want to boom your practice without having to deal with insurance companies? Get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Seminar click here, get consistent and predictable results that WOW your patients, communicate freely and watch your income grow as patient satisfaction goes through the roof.
Dr. Jutkowitz
The best ones came on Friday. I did an in-office consultation for a father-son doc team. The father, Greg, has been a practitioner (chiro) forever, 30+ years. The son (Brett) has been practicing about 6 years.
By they way, they don't even call it ABC™, according the office manager (Greg's wife Deb) they just call it "that fantastic Jutkowitz stuff" or just "Jutkowitz" as in, "do Jutkowitz on him". Dr. Greg had taken the Home Advanced BioStructural Correction™ seminar and then done the live a few years ago and tried to teach it to Brett when he entered the practice.
Greg was getting fantastic results but he knew he was not getting the results he should from some of the descriptions on the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ doctors' only site. Greg also knew that Brett had so much conflicting information from chiropractic school he could not understand that you actually can consistently get the results chiropractic school implies you should get all the time.
The simplicity and effectiveness of Advanced BioStructural Correction™ was just beyond Brett because of all the chiropractic junk he was taught.
The solution was to get Brett the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Seminar and have me to the office and debunk the junk. Greg went to the ABC™ site click here, he got Brett the seminar and signed up for an in-office.
I arrived late Thursday night and met them at the hotel to cover some preliminary stuff. Wouldn't you know it but as I was walking to the room I noticed the custodian was slumped over and having trouble breathing. I asked him if he knew he was having trouble breathing. Maurice answered that he did and that he had asthma.
Needing a demonstration subject, I asked him if he wanted to be able to breathe much better ? He asked if I was a doctor. I said yes, and that I was teaching the doctors out front in the lobby and could do a demonstration on him. He would breathe better that night right there and his shoulders would stop slumping forward with no work by him. He looked at me both, like a desperate man whose prayers might be answered, and just a bit skeptically and said yes.
I did not know it but as I put my things in the room he went out front and told the two front desk women they were about to view a medical miracle. I went out to the lobby and introduced Dr. Greg, Dr. Brett and Deb to my old friend from 2 minutes ago, Maurice.
I went through the same exact routine I describe in the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Patient Communication CDs, even having the front desk women check his posture and breathing before doing the First Rib Maneuver™ see this link.
I told them all I was going to do "Structural Correction" on Maurice and his posture would stay upright all by itself and his breathing would improve greatly and that his asthma was mostly structural.
I also ran my fingers on the front of Maurice's chest and had him note it was a bit caved in.
I did the FRM. Maurice popped up, his face got notably darker (he is an African American) from increased blood flow to the point Dr. Brett was astonished. I asked Maurice to take a deep breathe. He started breathing in and half-way through got this wide-eyed surprised look on his face. He finished and told me that was his first deep breath in 5 years.
I got a card from Dr. Greg and told Maurice to go, first visit on me. I had him try to slump and all the usual stuff and had him run his had across his chest and feel the difference. He noted it was less and asked if it would go away and his breathing come back to normal. I told him it would take a while but yes.
He asked for a card for his son who had such bad back pain he could no longer play ball and was having difficulty working. The women at the front desk were a bit astonished and got cards because I pointed out to them that they did not need the shoulder pads in their uniforms to look square and upright if they got treated.
They took more cards for friends. Dr. Greg did the smart thing and got all their names and addresses to call and follow-up and send them information if they did not come in right away. (Many docs leave out that last step when they give out cards.) With a case average over $1500, (about to go up) not getting their names and addresses to follow-up is just plain dumb.
Some docs think having me to their offices is expensive. Dr. Greg will tell you it gets paid for when you take me to the hotel or to lunch.
Anyway, the next day at the office was even better. I made sure the docs did everything according to the manuals and tapes. Long-term patients who were much better but having problems popped upright, symptoms disappeared that had been hanging around and 6 more referrals happened right there.
I explained to Dr. Greg that there are no excuses with Advanced BioStructural Correction™. It is not a miracle cure but you do get structural correction consistently and predictably with no excuses. Want to get CONSISTENT AND PREDICTABLE results that will boom your practice? Click here
My favorite was the woman who had lost half her foot and fingers off both hands who had trouble standing. I pointed out to Dr. Greg that people stabilize and do not have that trouble when Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is done correctly on the correct side. He switched sides and she stopped needing to hold onto the wall to stand up immediately after the first meningeal release. Cleared up a big misunderstanding Dr. Greg had there.
Dr. Brett, though now good at doing Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is now studiously going through the Home Seminar and eager to attend the next live. Dr. Greg is redoing the Home Seminar and likewise eager to attend the live. You will see them on the certified doctor list shortly as soon as they can send a video and answer the questions.
Want to boom your practice without having to deal with insurance companies? Get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Seminar click here, get consistent and predictable results that WOW your patients, communicate freely and watch your income grow as patient satisfaction goes through the roof.
Dr. Jutkowitz
Friday, October 19, 2007
Pics from Australia: Handling Kyphosis and Dowager's Hump clients. These changes are not "miracles" they are the normal results as promised with ABC™
Send this one to your chiropractor friends.
Chis Hume-Phillips from Australia who just recently got the ABC™ put these up on the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ practitioners only board -- keep in mind that this woman is standing RELAXED in ALL the pictures. She is not using her muscles to stand up straighter, she is just letting her body fall where it falls in the before picture (left) the after same day picture (middle) and the after second treatment picture (right).

From the left ... Pre-treatment / Post-treatment / 2 days later post-treament
........................................................(10 minutes later)......................................................
Get these results consistently and predictably click here
Note that the hard kyphosis (cannot lay down flat it is so fixed) in the pre-picture had not been affected by anything else and had been getting worse as she went on. That's right, the results on 72 year old Dr. Charlie from the previous blog post click here about his HARD and FIXED kyphosis going away was the usual thing. It was not some "miracle" result that happens every once in a while.
Notice her face in the pre-treatment picture is only a bit pink because of make-up. In the post-treatment picture it is deeper red because of increased oxygenation and circulation. I know, the light is different yada yada. It is not. That happens in person on a consistent basis too.
Look at her abdomen and chest in the pre-treatent picture. They are collapsed as her body is stuck folded forward when in the relaxed position. Look at the first post-treatment picture. SHE IS STILL RELAXED but her body is more upright because of the changes made by Advanced BioStructural Correction™. Her chest volume is increased she gets more air in and she pumps more blood per beat. (You can test this by forcing your body forward to her previous relaxed position and then straightening up -- if you breathe better straightened up than in your relaxed position YOU need Advanced BioStructural Correction™ done on you!!)
That goes for her digestion too. It got better as there was room for her organs and her food. Look at the changes in her abdomen shape. And, those changes on day one are nothing compared to the post-treatment changes as she went on. It will continue to get better and better.
Get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Seminar and GET YOUR PATIENTS THE RESULTS THEY ARE PAYING YOU TO GET THEM! click here
Sincerely (really, that is not just a salutation),
Dr. Jutkowitz

Chis Hume-Phillips from Australia who just recently got the ABC™ put these up on the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ practitioners only board -- keep in mind that this woman is standing RELAXED in ALL the pictures. She is not using her muscles to stand up straighter, she is just letting her body fall where it falls in the before picture (left) the after same day picture (middle) and the after second treatment picture (right).
These are not "MIRACLE RESULTS" though the thought of doing them on everyone seems miraculous to many. They are the NORMAL results one expects with Advanced BioStructural Correction™
From the left ... Pre-treatment / Post-treatment / 2 days later post-treament
........................................................(10 minutes later)......................................................
Get these results consistently and predictably click here
Note that the hard kyphosis (cannot lay down flat it is so fixed) in the pre-picture had not been affected by anything else and had been getting worse as she went on. That's right, the results on 72 year old Dr. Charlie from the previous blog post click here about his HARD and FIXED kyphosis going away was the usual thing. It was not some "miracle" result that happens every once in a while.
Notice her face in the pre-treatment picture is only a bit pink because of make-up. In the post-treatment picture it is deeper red because of increased oxygenation and circulation. I know, the light is different yada yada. It is not. That happens in person on a consistent basis too.
Look at her abdomen and chest in the pre-treatent picture. They are collapsed as her body is stuck folded forward when in the relaxed position. Look at the first post-treatment picture. SHE IS STILL RELAXED but her body is more upright because of the changes made by Advanced BioStructural Correction™. Her chest volume is increased she gets more air in and she pumps more blood per beat. (You can test this by forcing your body forward to her previous relaxed position and then straightening up -- if you breathe better straightened up than in your relaxed position YOU need Advanced BioStructural Correction™ done on you!!)
That goes for her digestion too. It got better as there was room for her organs and her food. Look at the changes in her abdomen shape. And, those changes on day one are nothing compared to the post-treatment changes as she went on. It will continue to get better and better.
Get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Seminar and GET YOUR PATIENTS THE RESULTS THEY ARE PAYING YOU TO GET THEM! click here
Sincerely (really, that is not just a salutation),
Dr. Jutkowitz
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Busy day for docs sending in stories -- FRM
This one relates to the First Rib Maneuver™:
Dr. J, regarding Advanced BioStructural Correction™
I read the article about increasing the VO2 max and recently I had a marathon runner that I did the first rib adjustment on. She really noticed an increase in her breathing and I was wondering if anyone has actually done measurements to see how much more they can breathe after the treatment.
I am now looking for either a spirometer or some sort of lung capacity measurement tool that I can use in the clinic to show people the difference, if there is any. (I don't know as I haven't done it yet).
Dr. Bob
Imagine using the entire ABC™ protocol because the FRM does not even do half the job needed on people.
Get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Seminar at the bottom of this page
If you are not making these changes consistently and predictably you might not think of it this way but you are cheating your patients by not providing the service you promise at the highest level.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ get it now.
Dr. J, regarding Advanced BioStructural Correction™
I read the article about increasing the VO2 max and recently I had a marathon runner that I did the first rib adjustment on. She really noticed an increase in her breathing and I was wondering if anyone has actually done measurements to see how much more they can breathe after the treatment.
I am now looking for either a spirometer or some sort of lung capacity measurement tool that I can use in the clinic to show people the difference, if there is any. (I don't know as I haven't done it yet).
Dr. Bob
Imagine using the entire ABC™ protocol because the FRM does not even do half the job needed on people.
Get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Seminar at the bottom of this page
If you are not making these changes consistently and predictably you might not think of it this way but you are cheating your patients by not providing the service you promise at the highest level.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ get it now.
Fun coincidence
Remember Dr. Hofer from the last post? The doc just outside Kansas City, KS?
I just got a voicemail from him. Earlier this year a chiropractic student brought him his wife who, after being treated by chiropractors was having seizures. She was terribly slumped forward, could not straighten even with effort, could not sleep... you know the drill.
Well, he started treating her, nothing special to him, just the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ protocol as usual. Not only did she straighten tremendously, color came back to her face, she slept that night for the first time in... but the seizures lessened greatly.
Update 6 months later. No seizures at all, sleeps though the night no problem, stands straight like a model with square shoulders with no effort and all the other good stuff we promise. Dave called to thank me because, as he said, this would be a really exciting thing for most chiropractors but here it is just another Monday morning story -- then he told me several similar stories about patients he never notified me about before.
Want to know about "the usual ABC™ results" vs the problems you can be causing with other methods? Check the 9/14/2007 post to this blog -- Click here Keep in mind that BOTH those doctors and all the ones you see slumping at your meetings and seminars, are being treated with other methods. Scary.
Get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home seminar ON SPECIAL, usually $1999 now only $997 until the end of the year, and you will be able to do these things AS JUST YOUR USUAL PROTOCOL too.
I just got a voicemail from him. Earlier this year a chiropractic student brought him his wife who, after being treated by chiropractors was having seizures. She was terribly slumped forward, could not straighten even with effort, could not sleep... you know the drill.
Well, he started treating her, nothing special to him, just the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ protocol as usual. Not only did she straighten tremendously, color came back to her face, she slept that night for the first time in... but the seizures lessened greatly.
Update 6 months later. No seizures at all, sleeps though the night no problem, stands straight like a model with square shoulders with no effort and all the other good stuff we promise. Dave called to thank me because, as he said, this would be a really exciting thing for most chiropractors but here it is just another Monday morning story -- then he told me several similar stories about patients he never notified me about before.
Want to know about "the usual ABC™ results" vs the problems you can be causing with other methods? Check the 9/14/2007 post to this blog -- Click here Keep in mind that BOTH those doctors and all the ones you see slumping at your meetings and seminars, are being treated with other methods. Scary.
Get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home seminar ON SPECIAL, usually $1999 now only $997 until the end of the year, and you will be able to do these things AS JUST YOUR USUAL PROTOCOL too.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Grow your practice with pictures
A doc asked me, "What is the best way to generate in-house referrals?"
I gave him the same basic answer that has grown many a practice. One of my favorites is Dr. Degraffenreid's. He got out of chiropractic school and did not have two nickles to rub together.
He worked for Dr. Dave Hofer in Kansas City for about 6 months, started a practice several hours away (where he wanted to live) out of a garage that was cleaned up and looked nice. He now has a large, busy practice and no debt.
Here's how you do it:
1. First you need a method of treatment that YOU know works consistently and predictably. Anything less than that and you cannot grow your practice ethically because you will always be wondering if you will be able to deliver on your promise. Click this link: Get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Seminar Program to get started now and then attend a live seminar to get the full training. (Many practitioners do not realize how much that restricts their own communication and personal abilities to grow their practices until they are doing Advanced BioStructural Correction™ for a few months and then call me astonished with -- you know Dr. J, I really have to thank you for ABC™, I was going to quit, was going broke, etc. before I found Advanced BioStructural Correction™ and realized I really can consistently get the results I was promising.)
Get Advanced BioStructural Correction™ click here.
Check out what Dr. Porter says, his practice literally quintupled that first year. He did not have to "sell" treatment, just get people to notice that he really was making the changes others promised but did not deliver (inlucing him until that time). Nice to be able look someone in the eye and know you will deliver on your promise.
2. Next, you need Before and After pictures of that first visit and a large mirror in your office. So, take a Before picture, save it as a file on your computer and print it out to show the patient.
3. Create a sheet/template in MS Word or a like program that says, "These Results Every Time" across the top. Four pairs of pictures (Before/After) with the, "These people are relaxed..." statement, see fixthebody.com right side above the pictures if you do not have the wording down.
Under the pictures put "Imagine how quickly they are out of pain" (do not correct the tense) and then some testimonials or descriptions of cases in places where you cannot use testimonials.
Then put a horizontal line across the page. Below the line put the usual laundry list of: "Things Dr. so-and-so treats:" Get it from a yellow pages ad if you cannot think of your own, or even if you think you can. And then "Call Now!" with phone #.
4. Next, you need to tell people what to look for in themselves, relatives and friends.
5. Next, you need to do an examination that looks for those things and demonstrates them well to the patients including the picture.
6. If you have done #3 correctly the patients are already commenting on their forward head posture and other findings.
7. Then treat the patient and take an After picture, save it and print it out.
8. Have patient notice changes a bit -- while they are doing that one of your staff is substituting their pictures for one of the others in the page from above and printing out about 10 of them.
9. Give the patient the sheets and say, "You finally found a doctor who can actually make the changes everyone else is just talking about making." Give them a second to understand that and then: "You need to give these to all your friends and relatives because they are all either looking for a good chiropractor or they know someone who is."
Unless you are one heck of a lousy communicator within a month you will start getting a steady line of referral from that action.
Dr. Jutkowitz
I gave him the same basic answer that has grown many a practice. One of my favorites is Dr. Degraffenreid's. He got out of chiropractic school and did not have two nickles to rub together.
He worked for Dr. Dave Hofer in Kansas City for about 6 months, started a practice several hours away (where he wanted to live) out of a garage that was cleaned up and looked nice. He now has a large, busy practice and no debt.
Here's how you do it:
1. First you need a method of treatment that YOU know works consistently and predictably. Anything less than that and you cannot grow your practice ethically because you will always be wondering if you will be able to deliver on your promise. Click this link: Get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Seminar Program to get started now and then attend a live seminar to get the full training. (Many practitioners do not realize how much that restricts their own communication and personal abilities to grow their practices until they are doing Advanced BioStructural Correction™ for a few months and then call me astonished with -- you know Dr. J, I really have to thank you for ABC™, I was going to quit, was going broke, etc. before I found Advanced BioStructural Correction™ and realized I really can consistently get the results I was promising.)
Get Advanced BioStructural Correction™ click here.
Check out what Dr. Porter says, his practice literally quintupled that first year. He did not have to "sell" treatment, just get people to notice that he really was making the changes others promised but did not deliver (inlucing him until that time). Nice to be able look someone in the eye and know you will deliver on your promise.
2. Next, you need Before and After pictures of that first visit and a large mirror in your office. So, take a Before picture, save it as a file on your computer and print it out to show the patient.
3. Create a sheet/template in MS Word or a like program that says, "These Results Every Time" across the top. Four pairs of pictures (Before/After) with the, "These people are relaxed..." statement, see fixthebody.com right side above the pictures if you do not have the wording down.
Under the pictures put "Imagine how quickly they are out of pain" (do not correct the tense) and then some testimonials or descriptions of cases in places where you cannot use testimonials.
Then put a horizontal line across the page. Below the line put the usual laundry list of: "Things Dr. so-and-so treats:" Get it from a yellow pages ad if you cannot think of your own, or even if you think you can. And then "Call Now!" with phone #.
4. Next, you need to tell people what to look for in themselves, relatives and friends.
5. Next, you need to do an examination that looks for those things and demonstrates them well to the patients including the picture.
6. If you have done #3 correctly the patients are already commenting on their forward head posture and other findings.
7. Then treat the patient and take an After picture, save it and print it out.
8. Have patient notice changes a bit -- while they are doing that one of your staff is substituting their pictures for one of the others in the page from above and printing out about 10 of them.
9. Give the patient the sheets and say, "You finally found a doctor who can actually make the changes everyone else is just talking about making." Give them a second to understand that and then: "You need to give these to all your friends and relatives because they are all either looking for a good chiropractor or they know someone who is."
Unless you are one heck of a lousy communicator within a month you will start getting a steady line of referral from that action.
Dr. Jutkowitz
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wow another one.
If you have not been around ABC™ a while you might not have heard about Dr. McCombs' patients who, after a couple of months of treatment decided she should go to a gym because she could finally do some exercises without hurting so much she had to quit.
(Yes, that is one reason many quit their exercise programs.)
She goes into the gym and the thing the gym is using to sell its program is the VO2 measurement. You know, they explain how important it is to have a good percentage and how horrible it s to have a low percentage and then: Exercise with us on this program and we will improve your VO2 by at least this much.
Well, the woman goes to the machine and breathes into it. The next thing she hears is, "That's impossible. We'll have to do it again." The guy resets the machine and she breathes into it again. "That's impossible, no one has 99% of their max."
I posted that up on the ABC™ practitioners only forum and Dr. Porter in Spokane posts up that he had one of those too. The woman signed up at a gym and they could not believe she had 98.3% of her VO2 Max. This was not an incidental finding. I have had many reports from others of the same thing (practitioners and even other docs' patients emailing me to say thank you).
Are you getting that result consistently and predictably? No? Click this link
Oops, let's you know that the changes in chest shape you make with Advanced BioStructural Correction™ are not just some one's fancy PR deal like the fancy traction machines.
Did you know that the number 1 complaint of astronauts who did not have back pain before their flights coming back from space is back pain? Yep. Back pain is their numero uno complaint upon retuning to earth. So much for that wonderful NASA discovery about those distraction machines. All PR. The percentage of people out of pain is real but not much different than it was for extreme traction in the 1950s.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ on the other hand CONSISTENTLY AND PREDICTABLY creates the corrections and outstanding performances in patients as claimed.
If your patients do not get VO2 max in the 95% plus range after you treat them for a month or two you need to get Advanced BioStructural Correction™ now click the link now.
(Yes, that is one reason many quit their exercise programs.)
She goes into the gym and the thing the gym is using to sell its program is the VO2 measurement. You know, they explain how important it is to have a good percentage and how horrible it s to have a low percentage and then: Exercise with us on this program and we will improve your VO2 by at least this much.
Well, the woman goes to the machine and breathes into it. The next thing she hears is, "That's impossible. We'll have to do it again." The guy resets the machine and she breathes into it again. "That's impossible, no one has 99% of their max."
I posted that up on the ABC™ practitioners only forum and Dr. Porter in Spokane posts up that he had one of those too. The woman signed up at a gym and they could not believe she had 98.3% of her VO2 Max. This was not an incidental finding. I have had many reports from others of the same thing (practitioners and even other docs' patients emailing me to say thank you).
Are you getting that result consistently and predictably? No? Click this link
Oops, let's you know that the changes in chest shape you make with Advanced BioStructural Correction™ are not just some one's fancy PR deal like the fancy traction machines.
Did you know that the number 1 complaint of astronauts who did not have back pain before their flights coming back from space is back pain? Yep. Back pain is their numero uno complaint upon retuning to earth. So much for that wonderful NASA discovery about those distraction machines. All PR. The percentage of people out of pain is real but not much different than it was for extreme traction in the 1950s.
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ on the other hand CONSISTENTLY AND PREDICTABLY creates the corrections and outstanding performances in patients as claimed.
If your patients do not get VO2 max in the 95% plus range after you treat them for a month or two you need to get Advanced BioStructural Correction™ now click the link now.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Wow 72 year old doc new and kicking butt consistently and predictably
Hi Docs,
Remember 72 year old Dr. Charlie Shields from the San Francisco seminar? (Sept. 14 2007 post)
He was the doc who could not lay supine and not touch his head to the table without extreme extension -- and even then it was because he sank into the cushions.
Then he was treated by a practitioner doing Advanced BioStructural Correction™ for the first time. After the first move in the treatment protocol Dr. Shields was astonished and had to point out to everyone (but me, I was just about to say something) that he was laying flat on the table with his head touching the headrest. It was in slight extension because it was back below level in the space for the nose.
That is not the point of this blog entry (see below) but if you use Advanced BioStructural Correction™ and are not getting results like that CONSISTENTLY AND PREDICTABLY, you need a live seminar and need one now. go here to sign up: Live Advanced BioStructural Correction™ seminars
If you do not use Advanced BioStructural Correction™ keep in mind that Dr. Shields is 72 and was semi retired ("was" because he is now getting treated and in such good shape already that he is ramping up his practice).
So Dr. Shields (enough formality) Charlie calls me Monday to leave me a message about treating a guy who was a Navy Demolitions Expert, that is what the Navy Seals were called before the PR guys got to them. Since Navy Seals have been around for a long time, this guy is pretty old himself.
For several years the NDE guy could not walk 30 feet before Dr. Shields got to him and did some of the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ protocol on him (Dr. Shields says he has not got it all down yet but is feeling so good he will have it totally down shortly). The NDE guy said he was walking to do something and realized he had walked about 100 yards.
Today Dr. Shields calls back and leaves another message:
The NDE guy "who had not walked more than 30 feet for several years had walked 2 miles around the lake, walked to work and then back to his house. The only thing holding him back is that he has ingrown toenails and that will be handled tomorrow. I just had to call you back and leave this message. I am one amazed chiropractor. Just want to thank you for what you have done for me and for humanity.
Not a bad way to go to sleep but I am a bit excited about another doc getting the results promised on his body and on patients. Not only that, earlier today Dr. Wendy Menneg of East Cranford NJ called and said similar things and asked me if I knew I did a great thing for humanity here.
Thank you both and tell others.
My goal is not so much to earn a bunch of money teaching Advanced BioStructural Correction™ (I make much more when I just concentrate of my practice) as it is to change the face of healthcare for the better across the globe.
If you are not getting these results CONSISTENTLY AND PREDICTABLY go to Advanced BioStructural Correction™ or call Alison at (203) 366-2746 and get the home seminar today!
Here's a good one. A doc just stopped by the side of the road after leaving an ABC™ clinic to check it out and called to order the seminar. I do not believe it you say because this is posed at 10pm Eastern Time or so -- the doc was in Queensland, Australia so it is tomorrow morning there and he wanted to catch us before we went to bed. Get your seminar now go to Advanced BioStructural Correction™
Remember 72 year old Dr. Charlie Shields from the San Francisco seminar? (Sept. 14 2007 post)
He was the doc who could not lay supine and not touch his head to the table without extreme extension -- and even then it was because he sank into the cushions.
Then he was treated by a practitioner doing Advanced BioStructural Correction™ for the first time. After the first move in the treatment protocol Dr. Shields was astonished and had to point out to everyone (but me, I was just about to say something) that he was laying flat on the table with his head touching the headrest. It was in slight extension because it was back below level in the space for the nose.
That is not the point of this blog entry (see below) but if you use Advanced BioStructural Correction™ and are not getting results like that CONSISTENTLY AND PREDICTABLY, you need a live seminar and need one now. go here to sign up: Live Advanced BioStructural Correction™ seminars
If you do not use Advanced BioStructural Correction™ keep in mind that Dr. Shields is 72 and was semi retired ("was" because he is now getting treated and in such good shape already that he is ramping up his practice).
So Dr. Shields (enough formality) Charlie calls me Monday to leave me a message about treating a guy who was a Navy Demolitions Expert, that is what the Navy Seals were called before the PR guys got to them. Since Navy Seals have been around for a long time, this guy is pretty old himself.
For several years the NDE guy could not walk 30 feet before Dr. Shields got to him and did some of the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ protocol on him (Dr. Shields says he has not got it all down yet but is feeling so good he will have it totally down shortly). The NDE guy said he was walking to do something and realized he had walked about 100 yards.
Today Dr. Shields calls back and leaves another message:
The NDE guy "who had not walked more than 30 feet for several years had walked 2 miles around the lake, walked to work and then back to his house. The only thing holding him back is that he has ingrown toenails and that will be handled tomorrow. I just had to call you back and leave this message. I am one amazed chiropractor. Just want to thank you for what you have done for me and for humanity.
Not a bad way to go to sleep but I am a bit excited about another doc getting the results promised on his body and on patients. Not only that, earlier today Dr. Wendy Menneg of East Cranford NJ called and said similar things and asked me if I knew I did a great thing for humanity here.
Thank you both and tell others.
My goal is not so much to earn a bunch of money teaching Advanced BioStructural Correction™ (I make much more when I just concentrate of my practice) as it is to change the face of healthcare for the better across the globe.
If you are not getting these results CONSISTENTLY AND PREDICTABLY go to Advanced BioStructural Correction™ or call Alison at (203) 366-2746 and get the home seminar today!
Here's a good one. A doc just stopped by the side of the road after leaving an ABC™ clinic to check it out and called to order the seminar. I do not believe it you say because this is posed at 10pm Eastern Time or so -- the doc was in Queensland, Australia so it is tomorrow morning there and he wanted to catch us before we went to bed. Get your seminar now go to Advanced BioStructural Correction™
Monday, October 8, 2007
Now this was/is a very interesting question
Sitting watching the Yankee game last night at Dr. S's (they finally got into gear and won one), his wife Sue asked a very interesting question:
I have not asked Dr. S if I could use his name, until I do that will be his identifier.
A bit of background, Dr. S was brought to me 4+ years ago by his friend, another Advanced BioStructural Correction™ doc, who had large concerns over Dr. S's body condition.
Dr. S has been consistently and predictably getting better and better though he had a long period of stuckness and symptomatic distress and never quite "got there" as far as what Advanced BioStructural Correction™ should have been doing for him.
Well, last November (11 months ago) he finally got rid of the memory foam-type mattress and got the hardest one he could find. Within days his body started making changes that I had told him were coming but that would not happen quickly if he kept resetting his body.
This is a chiropractor who practiced and got treated for 25 years and never had a full asymptomatic day since before Chiropractic school.
The speed of the changes from that point were pretty astonishing to me as well as him. Within a month he came in and complained to me that I had not beat him up into getting a much harder bed from the beginning -- I did but that is another story.
After about 6 months of some nasty unwinding culminated with a treatment about a month ago where he laid there and told me his entire body just made a huge change and he was very different. He has been almost asymptomatic since then.
In his words, when I need to get treated I know it but it does not hurt or bother me significantly.
Back to the question:
Dr. S had made that comment to me after we exchanged treatments last night. His wife noted he was quite a bit neurotic about his body. Dr. S protested and asked her if he had made any comments about his body that week besides that one.
She admitted that he had not but she never remembers a week without 5 or 6 days of body comments in over 20 years of marriage.
She then looked at me and asked: Are all chiropractors this neurotic about their bodies?
I never really considered that question before so that set me to thinking. The considered answer to that question is a bit more involved than one might think; the answer is:
For the most part they are since they know they should have results with their body that they are not getting. The ones who are not so neurotic are mostly in apathy about their bodies' being able to ever get as good as the docs know it should be. They have just given up.
Not only that, in my experience it goes across all bodywork professions.
After saying that Sue immediately said, "Oh, that's like (doc's name). She was to the point she had given up on her body ever being in good condition until Dr. S started treating her with Advanced BioStructural Correction™. Now she is so much better she is getting the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Study Program and getting excited about being a chiropractor again.
So, if you are on the fence about getting the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Study Seminar because nothing has worked with your body, jump and get it. Your body will start getting as well as you know it should be getting.
Dr. J
I have not asked Dr. S if I could use his name, until I do that will be his identifier.
A bit of background, Dr. S was brought to me 4+ years ago by his friend, another Advanced BioStructural Correction™ doc, who had large concerns over Dr. S's body condition.
Dr. S has been consistently and predictably getting better and better though he had a long period of stuckness and symptomatic distress and never quite "got there" as far as what Advanced BioStructural Correction™ should have been doing for him.
Well, last November (11 months ago) he finally got rid of the memory foam-type mattress and got the hardest one he could find. Within days his body started making changes that I had told him were coming but that would not happen quickly if he kept resetting his body.
This is a chiropractor who practiced and got treated for 25 years and never had a full asymptomatic day since before Chiropractic school.
The speed of the changes from that point were pretty astonishing to me as well as him. Within a month he came in and complained to me that I had not beat him up into getting a much harder bed from the beginning -- I did but that is another story.
After about 6 months of some nasty unwinding culminated with a treatment about a month ago where he laid there and told me his entire body just made a huge change and he was very different. He has been almost asymptomatic since then.
In his words, when I need to get treated I know it but it does not hurt or bother me significantly.
Back to the question:
Dr. S had made that comment to me after we exchanged treatments last night. His wife noted he was quite a bit neurotic about his body. Dr. S protested and asked her if he had made any comments about his body that week besides that one.
She admitted that he had not but she never remembers a week without 5 or 6 days of body comments in over 20 years of marriage.
She then looked at me and asked: Are all chiropractors this neurotic about their bodies?
I never really considered that question before so that set me to thinking. The considered answer to that question is a bit more involved than one might think; the answer is:
For the most part they are since they know they should have results with their body that they are not getting. The ones who are not so neurotic are mostly in apathy about their bodies' being able to ever get as good as the docs know it should be. They have just given up.
Not only that, in my experience it goes across all bodywork professions.
After saying that Sue immediately said, "Oh, that's like (doc's name). She was to the point she had given up on her body ever being in good condition until Dr. S started treating her with Advanced BioStructural Correction™. Now she is so much better she is getting the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Study Program and getting excited about being a chiropractor again.
So, if you are on the fence about getting the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Study Seminar because nothing has worked with your body, jump and get it. Your body will start getting as well as you know it should be getting.
Dr. J
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