Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fun coincidence

Remember Dr. Hofer from the last post? The doc just outside Kansas City, KS?

I just got a voicemail from him. Earlier this year a chiropractic student brought him his wife who, after being treated by chiropractors was having seizures. She was terribly slumped forward, could not straighten even with effort, could not sleep... you know the drill.

Well, he started treating her, nothing special to him, just the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ protocol as usual. Not only did she straighten tremendously, color came back to her face, she slept that night for the first time in... but the seizures lessened greatly.

Update 6 months later. No seizures at all, sleeps though the night no problem, stands straight like a model with square shoulders with no effort and all the other good stuff we promise. Dave called to thank me because, as he said, this would be a really exciting thing for most chiropractors but here it is just another Monday morning story -- then he told me several similar stories about patients he never notified me about before.

Want to know about "the usual ABC™ results" vs the problems you can be causing with other methods? Check the 9/14/2007 post to this blog -- Click here Keep in mind that BOTH those doctors and all the ones you see slumping at your meetings and seminars, are being treated with other methods. Scary.

Get the Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home seminar ON SPECIAL, usually $1999 now only $997 until the end of the year, and you will be able to do these things AS JUST YOUR USUAL PROTOCOL too.

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