Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Busy day for docs sending in stories -- FRM

This one relates to the First Rib Maneuver™:

Dr. J, regarding Advanced BioStructural Correction

I read the article about increasing the VO2 max and recently I had a marathon runner that I did the first rib adjustment on. She really noticed an increase in her breathing and I was wondering if anyone has actually done measurements to see how much more they can breathe after the treatment.

I am now looking for either a spirometer or some sort of lung capacity measurement tool that I can use in the clinic to show people the difference, if there is any. (I don't know as I haven't done it yet).

Dr. Bob

Imagine using the entire ABC
protocol because the FRM does not even do half the job needed on people.

Get the
Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Home Seminar at the bottom of this page

If you are not making these changes consistently and predictably you might not think of it this way but you are cheating your patients by not providing the service you promise at the highest level.

Advanced BioStructural Correction™ get it now.

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